1. 国内普通高等院校本科及以上学历应届毕业生,获得国家认可的2023年度毕业证、学位证。
2. 海外院校留学归国人员,在2022年7月1日至2023年6月30日期间取得学历学位,并于2023年9月30日前取得国家教育部留学服务中心海外学历学位认证,回国后初次就业的。
3. 符合开发银行亲属回避政策,需回避的亲属关系包括夫妻关系、直系血亲关系、三代以内旁系血亲以及近姻亲关系。
4. 最终获得开发银行录用资格的毕业生,须满足上述条件并按时完成入职报到,且未与其他单位建立劳动关系,否则视为本人自动放弃录用资格,开发银行不承担任何责任。
1. 具有中华人民共和国国籍。
2. 遵纪守法,诚实守信,品行端正,具有良好的个人品质,无违规违纪违法行为。
3. 品学兼优,思维活跃,具有较强的学习和创新能力。
4. 乐观进取,善于沟通,具有良好的团队协作精神。
5. 身心健康,五官端正,具有较好的仪表和气质;具有正常履行岗位职责的身体条件,符合《公务员录用体检通用标准(试行)》(2017年修订)、《公务员录用体检操作手册(试行)》(2017年修订)的相关规定。
1. 本次招聘包括国家开发银行总行、38家境内外一级分行、4家二级分行及4家控股子公司。报名时间为2022年10月1日0点-10月21日24点(北京时间),统一采取网上报名方式,不接受其他形式的报名。详情请登录我行门户网站(http://www.cdb.com.cn)。
2. 具体招聘条件、工作地点及招聘要求,详见各单位招聘公告。
3. 应聘者登录报名系统,完成用户注册,在线填写报考岗位和个人资料。每位应聘者可选报总行、分行、子公司中的1-2家单位,所报单位中可选报1-2个岗位,并选择是否接受岗位调剂。申请岗位顺序即为志愿顺序,将作为后续简历筛选的重要参考。在提交申请前,可多次登录报名系统修改报考岗位、个人资料和考试城市,提交申请后上述资料将无法修改,请慎重考虑,确定填写无误后提交。同时,请务必牢记报名账号。
4. 笔试将于2022年11月初开展,考试形式为机考,具体安排请关注后续通知。应聘者在简历系统中选择的笔试城市为线下集中机考的意向城市,如采取线上分散机考,则不再指定考试城市。
5. 招聘期间,我行将通过招聘系统提示、电子邮件、电话、手机短信等方式与应聘者联系,请务必确保所提交的联系方式准确无误,并保持通信畅通。
6. 应聘者应对填写内容的真实性负责,如与事实不符,我行有权取消本人应聘和录用资格,解除相关协议。
7. 报名过程中如出现技术问题,请致电01059840703(接听时间段:09:00-18:00)。
8. 未获得笔试、面试资格的应聘者恕不另行通知。
9. 我行仅通过门户网站、中国公共招聘网和新华英才网发布校园招聘公告及相关信息,其他途径均未获得我行授权或许可,请应聘者提高警惕,谨防受骗。
10. 我行从未编辑或出版任何校园招聘考试参考资料,也未指定任何单位和个人编辑或出版。不举办也不委托任何单位和个人举办考试相关培训班,请应聘者切勿轻信各类虚假广告和诈骗信息。
11. 我行有权根据岗位需要及报名情况等,调整、取消或终止个别岗位的招聘工作,并对本次招聘享有最终解释权。
China Development Bank (CDB or the Bank), established in 1994, is a state-funded and state-owned development finance institution operating as an independent legal entity under the direct leadership of the State Council. The Bank is dedicated to supporting China’s economic development in key industries and underdeveloped sectors.
With a mission to support national development and deliver a better life for the people, CDB aligns its business focus with China’s major medium- and long-term economic development strategies. Leveraging its strength as a leading bank for medium- and long-term financing and comprehensive financial services, it mobilizes economic resources and channels them towards eight key areas: (1) Socioeconomic development, such as infrastructure, basic industries, pillar industries, public services and management; (2) Urbanization, urban-rural integration and balanced regional development; (3) Programs essential for national competitiveness, including the transformation, upgrading, and restructuring of traditional industries, energy conservation, environmental protection, and advanced equipment manufacturing; (4) Public welfare, including affordable housing, poverty alleviation, student loans, and inclusive finance; (5) Areas of strategic importance, including science and technology, culture, and people-to-people exchange; (6) The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), international cooperation in industrial capacity, equipment manufacturing, infrastructure connectivity, energy and resources, and Chinese enterprises “going global”; (7) Initiatives in support of development and economic and financial reforms; (8) Other areas encouraged by national development strategies and policies.
Placing a strong premium on pioneering and innovation and tapping into its strengths as a development finance institution, CDB keeps closely to national development strategies, operates on market principles with the backing of sovereign credit, and ensures principal safety and modest profit. Its vigor, influence and risk resilience has been growing continuously, putting it on track to be a world-class, modern development finance institution and a steady force of support for China’s economic and social development.
For further information, please log in: http://www.cdb.com.cn.